Betty Jean’s Roots

Hi, I’m Tina -my husband of 29 years and I own and operate Betty Jean’s Flower Truck, a beautiful 1966 Ford F100 dedicated to spreading love and kindness through the gift of flowers. Betty Jean’s is based out of Holly Springs, North Carolina, a growing town we have called home for over 25 years.

When frequently asked where our love of flowers first bloomed, my husband and I always say our roots. As a single mother, my mom (Betty Jean) raised five children with limited resources. I will forever have fond memories of her bringing the beauty of the outdoors in with clippings of even the most simple flower or tree branch. A simple touch that made our house a home. My husband’s childhood was spent on their family farm where his daddy grew flowers, vegetables, and the most amazing peaches from seed to fruit, always sharing with family, friends, and neighbors.

As we fell in love, raised a family, grew a garden, and planted our seed in this life, we always knew we shared the same love for nature. But it wasn’t until later in life that we decided to share it with others.

Why the name Betty Jean’s?  After my Mom passed away several years ago, I found myself longing for a connection, something that would help me feel close to her, while also honoring her memory.  And so Betty Jean’s Flower Truck was born.

I could never have embarked on this journey without my greatest supporter by my side. We have two beautiful daughters that inspire and encourage us to pursue our dreams regardless of how late in life we started. We have been blessed with a courageous son-in-law and two amazing grandsons that light up our lives. We live in the same home that we first bought after being married, raised our girls in, and that led us on this path of love for all things nature.

Our Mission:  “To Spread Kindness” through our love of flowers.  To spread the word that it doesn’t have to be a special event or celebratory event to treat yourself or someone else to the gift of flowers. But that something as simple as a single flower or branch brought in from the outside can be so meaningful that it will stay with someone for a lifetime.